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Tenant Screening

We strive to get your investment rented quickly, but feel it is important to get the RIGHT tenant versus the FAST tenant! Spending time up front and finding the BEST tenant for your rental creates a good experience all around, versus one that is stressful and frustrating.

Often times people think they just need to do a quick credit check and verify employment but there’s more to it than that. Our high quality tenant screening process digs deeper. We gather extensive information on the following:

  • Credit check
  • Employment verification
  • Debt to income ratios
  • Eviction history check
  • Landlord references
  • Criminal history
  • Length in field of employment
  • Pet screening

Our screening process is not just based on a credit score only - we take a comprehensive look at the overall applicant. This process has proven to be extremely successful.

Get started with your FREE RENTAL PRICE ANALYSIS or, if you just need a little more information first, feel free to fill out the form .

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